Sunday 1 June 2025

Swing Into Summer

Princess Alexandra Auditorium, Yarm School, Teeside

A wonderful joint concert to be performed at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium, Yarm, in the Tees Valley, feuring:

- The Military WAGS Choir (Catterick Garrison)
- Cleveland Philharmonic Choir
- Service Children's Community Choir
- The Royal Signals (Northern) Band (Captain Tom Milford - Bandmaster)

 - Andrew Christer (for CPC)
 - Brett Overin (for The Military WAGS)

The choirs will be conducted by our own musical director, Benjamin Noble

You are invited to see us at this fabulous venue. A concert not to be missed! 

This event is booked through the Princess Alexandra Auditorium box office here.

Swing Into Summer